Add's Additional R-4.5 to system
When applied at standard thickness of 1.25”
Sound Control
Provides an NRC of 0.95 at standard thickness over foam
Diverse Selection of Colors
Variety of standard and custom colors available
For Open Ceiling Areas with Spray Foam
Used for areas where spray foam would be left exposed
Types of projects
Ure-K can be used in a wide variety of spaces where polyurethane foam is required and will be left exposed.
Metal Buildings
Precast Concrete Construction
Refrigerated Warehouses
Manufacturing Plants
Parking Garages
Curtain Walls
High Rise Buildings
Ure-K Performance Overview
Thermal Performance
Ure-K can be used in conjunction with spray polyurethane foams to achieve high R-Value systems that maintain an aesthetically pleasing finish. By using a closed cell foam to build up a majority of the thermal resistance in a system, Ure-K is than applied over the foam proving an additional R-4.5 as well as satisfying the IBC requirement for a 15-minute thermal barrier over exposed foams. This combination system can lead to cost saving for high R-value areas while maintaining a superior finish.
Technical Data
ASTM Standards
- ASTM C 423 Sound Absorption
- ASTM C 518 Thermal Conductivity
- ASTM D 2244 Light Reflectance
- ASTM E 84 Surface Burning Characteristics
- ASTM E 119 Fire Test
- ASTM E 736 Cohesion/Adhesion - Bond Strength
2009 IBC Section 2603.4 Thermal Barrier
Ure-K has been tested in accordance with and meets the acceptance criteria of both the Temperature Transmission Fire Test and the Integrity Fire Test of NFPA 275 Part 1 & Part 2.
Ure-K is approved to be used as a 15-Minute Thermal Barrier over Polyurethane Foam.
ASTM C 518 - Thermal Conductivity
R-Value: 3.6 per inch
Provides additional R-4.5 to system when applied over spray foam at standard 1.25"
Environmental Sustainability
Made from renewable ingredients, Ure-K Contains 80% Pre-Consumer recycled content
K-13 Spray On SystemNEXT
SonaSpray "fc"